Devon pasó tanto tiempo en Berlín durante el tour, o acompañó a la banda por
algunas ciudades, no se hizo esperar que lo ligaran a Bill como amante o novio,
pero lo cierto es que Devon tiene una bellísima novia a la que le llevó un
regalo desde Berlín a su regreso a L.A a fines de mayo.
Hay quienes dicen que nunca han visto a la chica. Bueno, aquí la tienen, para que vean cómo se comporta ella y cómo se muestra amor en IG cuando es una relación de verdad y no es “circo” como el de la Shermine.
de julio 2015: #missmadevon #whereishenow #Imisshishugandkiss (extraño a mi
Devon, dónde está él ahora, extraño su abrazo y beso).
de julio 2015: quick selfie while I was waiting ma Devon (selfie rápido
mientras espero a mi Devon)
time with ma only Devon... He loves when I put my hair back (Tiempo de Jacuzzi
con mi único Devon... Él ama cuando echo hacia atrás mi cabello)
de agosto 2015: I love Disneyland lol #disenyland #la #california with my
devvvvvv (Amo Disneyland, lol ... con mi Devvvvvvvv)
jacuzzi with ma Devviiee (jacuzzi en penumbras con mi Devieeee)
#la #california #yellow #asiangirl #koreangirl since Devon is not playing with me I just gonna take
selfie (puesto que Devon no está jugando conmigo, voy a tomar un selfie)
16 de noviembre
2016: My baby literally made my
dayyyyyyy (Mi bebé literalmente hizo mi día)
25 de mayo 2017: Coolest
diffuser I´ve ever seen!!!!!!!!! It has lava rocks inside of the pot!!
Thank you booboo!! #diffuser #lavadiffuser #deco #gift
#germany #berlin #madetlen @madetlen (el más genial dsifusor que haya
visto!!!!! Tiene rocas de lava dentro del pote!! Gracias, booboo!! #difusor #lavadifusor
#deco #regalo #alemania #berlin #madetlen @madetlen
Y Devon también la
muestra en su IG, como debe hacer un novio enamorado.
Igualmente, ella está con
él junto a su familia en celebraciones como la boda de su hermano, y otras.
Devon Culiner, apparently
has been around Kaulitz twins, as friend, at least from 2013. He made a remix
of Monsoon no longer available now, and, another curious thing that he has in
common with Tom, is that he was a guitarist in a band, Hell&Lula. He is
also DJ and musical producer, as Tom, and as producer he collaborated with the
album Dream Machine" from Tokio Hotel.
When Devon spent so much
time in Berlin during the tour, or accompanied the band for some cities, some
fans began to say he is Bill´s lover or boyfriend, but what is true is that
Devon has a beautiful girlfriend to which him give a gift from Berlin at his
return to L.A at the end of May.
People say that they have
never seen the girl. Good, here you have her, to see how she behaves and how looks
love in IG when it is really a relationship and it is not "circus"
like that of Shermine.
July 10 2015:
#missmadevon #whereishenow #Imisshishugandkiss
July 14 2015: quick
selfie while I was waiting ma Devon
Jacuzzi cheats with ma
only Devon... There is loves when I put my hair back
August 3 2015: I love
Disneyland lol #disenyland #the #Californian with my devvvvvv
Gloomy jacuzzi with ma
#friday #the #Californian
#yellow #asiangirl #koreangirl since Devon is not playing with me I just gonna
take selfie
November 16 2016: My baby literally made my dayyyyyyy
May 25 2017: Coolest
diffuser I've ever seen!!!!!!!!! It has lava rocks inside of the pot!! Thank you booboo!! #diffuser #lavadiffuser
#deco #gift #germany #berlin #madetlen @ madetlen
And Devon also shows her
in his IG, as should do a boyfriend in love.
And she is with him and
his family in celebrations like his their brother's wedding, and others.
**Agradezco la
información e imágenes encontradas en http://tomkaulitzandriasommerfeld.blogspot.com/2016/07/blog-post.html
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